This game is good! Plague does a good job at depicting the dark ages of some portside city before and during the Plague Times. As a physician, you are tasked with using what little knowledge you have of various ways to cure diseases. Not any one path (Prayer, Sorcery, Latriochemistry, and Surgery) can cure a disease, because despite what the Inquisition says, you cant always pray the rabies away. Variola, Syphilis, and Leprosy can kill your town before the plague even arrives. You can sponsor various city projects, but even your good efforts make the Inquisition think youre spreading devilish things like higher learning and public sewer systems. Never seen what happens if the Inquisition meter reaches a hundred percent, but I imagine it ends with a public execution.
Its fun! Its challenging! Its educational! Its like a good, older game from the 2000s where you died a lot, but enjoyed the challenge without much hand-holding and not too many dangers.
Viva the teen chicks about Plague: Лекарь vs Инквизитор